11 Benefits Of Self Discovery
11 Benefits Of Self Discovery

Self discovery is exactly what it sounds like—discovering yourself; getting to know yourself; strengthening your relationship with yourself.

When you have a clear picture of who you are (i.e. you’re tapped into yourself and your desires), you live life more fully and achieve your goals.

Dreams, personal values, and talents may not seem to be on top of everybody’s mind on a regular basis because of the different day-to-day priorities and responsibilities. However, when you really know yourself, the opposite happens—your day to day becomes a way to live out your long term vision.

It’s like the Tony Robbins quote—you can’t plan your day until you plan your life.

And planning your life means you need to discover what you want most.

I’m dedicating this blog post to better understanding the 11 benefits of self discovery so that you can find clarity and start creating the life that you want.

11 Benefits Of Self Discovery

Here are the top 11 benefits of self discovery.

1. You make better decisions.

When you really know yourself, you make better decisions.

You find out big things (like your values) and small things (like what flowers you like). You truly know yourself so intimately that you have a deep connection and love for yourself.

This leads to taking action in alignment with who you are, which means that you make the best decisions for you.

What makes a decision right or wrong depends on the person making it—you can decide every decision you’ve made was the right decision. And that in the future, you’ll make decisions that are right for you.

Many people don’t want to make the “wrong decision” as if that is outside of them. But the truth is, when you know yourself deeply, you can love yourself through any choice you ever make. This is unconditional love and it will change your entire life when you practice it.


2. You have fewer regrets.

When you make decisions that are aligned with exactly who you want to be and how you want to live, you have fewer regrets.

You don’t wish you did anything differently or desire to go back in time and change things because you always act from your highest self.

This comes from knowing the real you—discovering who you are, making decisions in alignment with that version of you, and having your back no matter what.


3. You have more confidence.

Self discovery leads to increased confidence.

When you know the real you—your true self—you have unshakeable and unwavering confidence.

Confidence is one of the most popular topics I teach in Grow You, and it starts with knowing yourself.

From there, it’s about learning how to love the part of you that gets it all right and the part of you that is a complete mess (we all have both).

4. You have less anxiety.

Knowing yourself deeply means you know that you can handle anything that comes your way. When you truly believe this, you’ll stop all that anxious chatter about “what ifs” and expectations for the future.

Instead, you’ll create certainty within you that you bring with you wherever you go. There’s nothing to worry about because you know you always have you.

This means all that mental chatter in your mind about what’s next and what you should be worried about will calm down dramatically. This is the power of self discovery.


5. You achieve more meaningful goals.

When you know yourself very well, you set and achieve extraordinary goals.

Because you know yourself, you know what you want, which means you’re connected with your deepest desires.

This connection turns into action and a willingness to try new things, take massive action, and fail forward. All of which are required to achieve your goals.


6. You know your strengths and weaknesses.

During your self discovery you’ll learn what your strengths and weaknesses are.

This is useful because you’ll be able to cultivate your strengths and sharpen your weaknesses, using both to your advantage in life.

For example, if you ask yourself what you really like, you may find you like to listen to audiobooks because you’re good at multi-tasking, but you don’t like to sit down and read because you think you’re a slower reader (this is something I talk about here and went through myself). In this case, the awareness of your weakness will help you see if you want to change that and improve your reading or not.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is helpful in many ways as you navigate your life.


7. Saying “yes” and “no” is easier.

Self discovery makes it easier to say “yes” when you want to do something and “no” when it’s not a good fit.

Instead of doing what many people do, which is saying “yes” when you want to say “no” you’ll feel more empowered to please yourself ahead of pleasing others. Contrary to popular opinion, this doesn’t lead to selfishness and instead leads to honesty and connection.

The more we each live in integrity with ourselves, the better.

8. You don’t waste time.

When you really get to know yourself in the journey of self discovery, the benefit is that you don’t waste time.

Whether it’s time doing something you’re uncertain about or time doing something you don’t like—you’re not going to waste it if you’re tapped into being truly and authentically you.


9. You have more experiences.

Self discovery is permission to know the real you, and when you do this, you end up living life having more experiences.

For example, if you know that you feel most alive when traveling, you’re going to make it a priority to travel and see the world. You’ll only do this, though, if you bring it to the forefront that you love traveling, which happens only if you get to know yourself.

The more you know yourself, the more experiences you’ll have in life because you’ll honor your deepest desires to live life fully.


10. You’re happier.

When you know the “real you” you’re happier.

You’re happier because you accept all of you. You know the good, the bad, and the ugly AND given all of it, you love yourself.

This is acceptance and love all wrapped up into one.

When you live from accepting and loving yourself, you’re so much happier. Life isn’t as complicated or hard as it once was.

11. You’re more generous.

When you know yourself well, you know humanity. You understand that there are negatives and positives to you and to all people. And from this place of confidence and understanding of human struggle, you will feel more inclined to give back to the world and make it a better place.


A Final Note!

The potential that’s within you from knowing yourself is something you’ll never reach, but can always aspire to moved toward (that’s the beauty of potential).

As you go on your journey of self discovery, remember that you get one precious life and you are the creator of all of your experience. Make it a good one.